Recently, Priyanka Chopra, an actor, began filming her upcoming Hollywood movie, The Bluff. Malti Marie Chopra Jonas, her daughter, went with her to the set, and the actor has since posted cute photos of the two of them in the makeup area. Malti started toying with the mannequins on the desk, seemingly enthralled by them.
Priyanka releases fresh images of Malti.
Priyanka posted a series of images featuring Malti on the set in a fresh batch of Instagram Stories. The first image that the actor posted showed Malti writing on a mannequin’s face inside the trailer van. She captioned the photo, “When MM is in the HMU trailer.”
Malti was seen holding the hair brush in the second photo. Malti was on the ground in the following photo, attempting to tie a knot with a large rope. “Working on her seaman knots,” Priyanka captioned the photo. In the final image, Malti was seen grinning at the mannequin and cradling her head. Additionally, Priyanka was spotted grinning at Malti while holding it in front of her. She captioned the photo with a joke, “I think ‘Diane’ is coming home with us.”
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Recently, Priyanka took a vacation from her hectic schedule to spend time with her family in Ireland. Following the completion of filming for her next movie, Heads of State, she relished some free time in Dublin’s scenic surroundings. Priyanka’s mother, Madhu Chopra, shared a photo of Priyanka, Malti, and herself on Instagram.
Priyanka will feature in the action-comedy Heads of State, which also has notable performances from John Cena, Jack Quaid, and Idris Elba. She also said that she will be working as a producer on a new movie with Barry Avrich’s feature documentary production team, Born Hungry.
Priyanka Chopra Jonas has once again delighted her fans by sharing heartwarming images of her daughter, Malti Marie, enjoying a playful moment on a film set. In a recent post, Priyanka posted brand-new pictures of Malti interacting with a mannequin, and the photos instantly went viral, winning over fans with their cuteness.
In the photos, little Malti is seen laughing and having a blast with a life-size mannequin, showcasing her playful and curious side. Malti’s infectious smile as she explores the world around her captured the hearts of Priyanka’s followers, who couldn’t get enough of the little one’s innocence and joy.
Priyanka, who is known for keeping her daughter’s life relatively private, took a moment to share the precious experience, offering a rare glimpse into Malti’s life on set. “Fun moments with my little one,” Priyanka captioned the images, adding a heart emoji. The photos show Malti’s joyful curiosity and Priyanka’s motherly love, resonating deeply with fans who expressed their admiration in the comments.
Recently, Priyanka Chopra, an actor, began filming her upcoming Hollywood movie, The Bluff. Malti Marie Chopra Jonas, her daughter, went with her, and the actor has since posted cute photos of the two of them in the makeup area.
Priyanka has previously shared glimpses of her family life, but she continues to be protective of Malti’s privacy, allowing only the most special moments to be shared with the world. Fans eagerly await more glimpses into Priyanka’s life as a mother, with many sending love to the Chopra-Jonas family.
The adorable photos are yet another reminder of the superstar’s down-to-earth side and her ability to balance her successful career with her loving family life.
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