After attending Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s second pre-wedding celebration in Europe, actor couple Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor arrived back in Mumbai with their daughter Raha Kapoor. Salman Khan, an actor, too went back to the city. A number of their images and videos have appeared on social media.
Raha was spotted being held in Ranbir Kapoor’s arms as he left the Kalina Airport. Alia strolled next to him. The moment Raha Kapoor planted a kiss on her father’s cheeks—the toddler pecked Ranbir’s—grabbed the attention of onlookers. Then, she was spotted grinning broadly.
Alia waves and smiles at the photographers.
Ranbir waved to the photographers and gave them the peace sign before getting inside his car. In addition, Alia waved and grinned at the photographers that were set up outside the airport. Ranbir dressed for the trip in white shorts, a cap, sneakers, and a green sweater. Alia chose to wear a cape and matching trousers with an olive green shirt underneath. She wore white trainers and had her hair pulled up in a bun. Raha was spotted wearing a white gown.
Raha kissing her dad, and how fans respond
“Self-sufficient parents, nice to see them roaming without a troupe of nannies!” a fan commented in response to the video. “Aww, that’s so cute that Raha kisses her papa’s cheek,” remarked another commenter. This family is adorable. See how happy Raha is after kissing Ranbir. How charming,” someone commented. Raha and Alia both had joyful expressions. As mother and daughter do,” an Instagram user posted.
Salman leaves Europe to return to India.
Salman attended the festivities before travelling from Europe to India. He was observed leaving the Kalina airport wearing shoes, jeans, a white shirt, and a half jacket. He didn’t talk to the photographers; instead, he hurried out of the event and into his car.
Regarding the Ambani boozy
The festivities were held on a lavish cruise through southern France and Italy. On the trip, eight hundred people gathered to celebrate Anant Ambani’s impending nuptials.
Over the course of a gorgeous 4,380-kilometer voyage from Italy to the south of France, the celebrities were treated to a number of parties and festivities aboard the opulent cruise liner between May 28 and June 1. The festivities began on May 29 with a welcoming lunch and an evening gala with a “Starry Night” theme. June 1st marked the end of the festivities in Portofino, Italy.
Bollywood’s beloved couple, Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt, were recently spotted at the Mumbai airport with their adorable daughter, Raha Kapoor. The heartwarming family moment instantly captured the hearts of fans and paparazzi alike, as Raha gave her father a sweet peck on the cheek, followed by a broad, joyful smile. The delightful display of affection showcased the strong bond between the Kapoor family, reminding everyone of the beauty of simple, heartfelt moments.
Dressed in casual yet chic attire, Ranbir Kapoor carried Raha in his arms with evident pride and joy. The actor, known for his usually reserved demeanor, couldn’t hide his happiness as his little girl made the moment unforgettable.
Alia Bhatt, walking alongside her family, radiated elegance and maternal warmth. She kept a protective and loving eye on her husband and daughter, reflecting the seamless balance she has maintained between her professional and personal life. The actress, who has been vocal about cherishing motherhood, seemed to savor every moment of this beautiful family outing.
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