Malaika Arora, a renowned actress, model, and entrepreneur, is known for her stylish and glamorous fashion choices, with her recent stunning silver gown proving her reign...
Sudhanshu Pandey, who currently stars as Vanraj Shah on the TV show Anupamaa, took a look back at his life in a throwback photo posted to...
Because of strong research and training, Delhi’s education model has undergone revolutionary changes in the last seven years, according to Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia. Sisodia,...
The probability of an absolute victory is very low, but Russia may still force a face-saving victory. With its existing forces, it has probably been forced...
Priyanka Chopra shared a new selfie on Instagram to show off her new ISRO-themed tee. She thanked her friend Natasha Pal for giving her a red...
Rumors are mounting about the Galaxy S22 and Samsung’s Exynos 2200 chip. A poll showed that most users prefer the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 in the...
According to the modeling and data analysis performed by scientists from the Tata Institute of Basic Research, the third wave of Covid-19 pandemic cases driven by...
The Mi 12 series, a new smartphone series from the Chinese technology giant, will be officially launched on the domestic market on December 28. It is...
The Deep Foundation Institute of India (DFII) is affiliated to the Deep Foundation Institute (DFI). The Deep Foundation Institute (DFI) is an international non-profit organization headquartered...
India has been growing well in the fashion industry and so are Indian models and designers. Many Indian models got opportunities to walk on the ramp...