Malaika Arora, a renowned actress, model, and entrepreneur, is known for her stylish and glamorous fashion choices, with her recent stunning silver gown proving her reign...
It was Deepika Kumari’s ninth appearance at the World Cup Final where she has also bagged a bronze. India’s premier recurve archer Deepika Kumari won her...
Disha Patani is the definition of a fashionista. Every tidbit from the actor’s fashion journals on her Instagram account shows off her prowess in the fashion...
Vedaant Madhavan won silver medal in 1500m freestyle swimming event at the Danish Open 2022. Actor shared a screenshot of the Swimming Federation of India’s post...
Alia Bhatt attended the ITA (Indian Television Academy) Awards in Mumbai last night. The star made jaws drop with her unique look in a sterling silver...
Ten gram of 24-carat gold is selling at Rs 52,040 on Saturday, up Rs 440 since the last trade as demand rose for the safe-haven bullion....
From going full vintage to acing complete 90’s look or grabbing eyeballs for her chic style statement, Bollywood hottie Nushrratt Bharuccha knows how to keep fans...
Ten gram of 24-carat gold is selling at Rs50,950 on Wednesday, down Rs 330 since the last trade as demand dipped for the safe-haven bullion. Ten gram of 22 carat gold is selling at Rs 46,700, down Rs 300 from Tuesday according to the Goodreturns...
Bhubaneswar: As of February 19, 24k gold (10 gram) gold is priced at Rs 49,970 in India, while 22k gold (10 gram) is at Rs 45,770....
The price of 10 grams of 24-karat gold rose by Rs 50 on Tuesday, with gold trading at Rs 49,250. 22-karat gold was sold at Rs...