In a candid revelation, renowned actor Abhinav Shukla has spoken out about the challenges and hurdles that come with fame, notably the increasing prevalence of online...
Prepare for another thrilling season of “The Masked Singer,” the hit reality TV show that has captured the imagination of viewers around the world. As fans...
The drama and excitement continue to escalate inside the Bigg Boss OTT house as contestants navigate their way through challenges, emotions, and strategic moves. Day 33...
The magic of new beginnings is a gift that brings joy, hope, and endless possibilities. In the realm of Indian showbiz, the arrival of a new...
The world of entertainment is no stranger to fans expressing their thoughts and concerns on social media platforms. Recently, popular actress Ridhi Dogra found herself addressing...
Popular television actress Rubina Dilaik recently shared her harrowing experience during the devastating flash floods that struck Himachal Pradesh. The Bigg Boss fame star revealed the...
Shakti Arora’s Unforgettable Encounter: A Leopard on TV Show Sets In the world of television, unexpected events can occur, leading to unforgettable moments for actors and...
Deepesh Bhan, an actor well known for playing Malkhan in Bhabhiji Ghar Par Hai, is dead. Not just his fans, but also his other musicians in...
On May 18 of this year, filmmaker Prateek Shah and actress Hruta Durgule got married. The performer has, however, hardly ever talked about her marriage, which...
The Pinkvilla Style Icons Awards are in full swing, and we can’t stop ourselves! It will take place on June 16 at the JW Marriott in...