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Special 365 days

World Pangolin Day



World Pangolin Day

World Pangolin Day is celebrated every year to raise awareness and recommit to international organizations fighting the world’s pangolin harvest. The only truly scaly mammal in the world.

This day is an opportunity for pangolin enthusiasts and the wider human community to work together to raise awareness of the plight of these unique mammals – a rapidly declining pangolin population in Asia and Africa.

Pangolins are a very precious commodity that is often illegally captured, traded, and mass murdered by organised crime networks because of their size to feed the Asian traditional medicine market, unfortunately pangolin scales are considered therapeutic in Asia The panacea for the traditional medicine market. All varieties and pangolin meat are considered delicacy.

In Vietnam and the central and southern regions of West Africa, pangolins are often seen in restaurants to cater to wealthy customers who see their meat as a rarity and a statement of identity.


When startled, the pangolin curls up into a tight ball to protect its soft underside, making it a prime target for illegal poachers.

In 52 seizures from 2016 to 2019, an estimated 206.4 tons of pangolins, or the equivalent of about 360,000 pangolins, were intercepted and confiscated, according to a report by the Wildlife Justice Commission. The Wildlife Justice Council is an international foundation established in the Netherlands whose mission is to prevent the proliferation of wildlife and to help dismantle organized transnational criminal wildlife trafficking networks.

Complete News SOurce : NationalTimes


Special 365 days

Clean Your Floors Day




Clean Your Floors Day

In the United States, Clean Your Floors Day is observed on August 3. This day serves as a reminder for everyone to clean their floors. Floor cleaning is a laborious but necessary task that keeps your home clean and keeps everyone who lives there safe and comfortable. Even though you should always clean your floors, it’s not always possible. The chance to deep clean and refinish your home’s floors on Clean Your Floors Day will make regular cleaning much easier.

Every year on August 3, Clean Your Floors Day is observed. The occasion serves as both a reminder and an opportunity for Americans to thoroughly clean their floors. Despite being a tedious task, floor cleaning is crucial. In order to keep the house safe and livable for the residents, floor cleaning is necessary for a number of reasons.

Because it removes any obstacles that could cause people to trip or slip while walking, floor cleaning is important. Lack of floor cleaning can result in numerous accidental injuries, some of which are fatal. Regular cleaning ensures that there are no objects on the floor that could damage it or scratch it, which increases its longevity and keeps your floors strong and beautiful for a long time. Wear and tear on your flooring also reduces the overall valuation of your home.

Maintaining clean floors is also crucial for minimising allergic reactions. If they aren’t regularly cleaned out, dust, pet fur and dander, pollen, and other allergens have a tendency to accumulate quickly on floors and can result in life-threatening allergic reactions. How simple it is to maintain floors is a deciding factor when selecting floor materials, especially in areas like kitchens, bathrooms, and hospitals where sanitization is crucial.


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