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According to a source, Google IO 2023 would feature a more “personal” Google Search with AI chat and video snippets.



According to a source, Google IO 2023 would feature a more “personal” Google Search with AI chat and video snippets.

Google, one of the largest tech companies in the world, is known for its innovative products and services that make people’s lives easier. Every year, Google holds its annual developer conference called Google IO, where it showcases its latest technologies and products. And according to sources, Google IO 2023 is going to feature a more “personal” Google Search with AI chat and video snippets.

The new Google Search is said to be more intuitive and personalized than ever before, thanks to the integration of advanced AI technology. The AI chat feature, for instance, will allow users to have more natural and human-like conversations with the search engine. This means that users can ask questions in a more conversational tone, and the search engine will respond accordingly.

Moreover, the AI chat feature will be able to understand the context of the user’s query, allowing it to provide more relevant and accurate results. For instance, if a user asks for the best restaurants in New York, the AI chat feature will be able to ask follow-up questions such as the user’s preferred cuisine or location to provide more personalized recommendations.

Another exciting feature of the new Google Search is the inclusion of video snippets. Video snippets will allow users to watch short, informative videos related to their search queries without having to leave the search results page. This is especially useful for visual learners who prefer to watch videos instead of reading text-based content.


The new Google Search will also have a more personalized touch, with the inclusion of user-specific data such as search history, location, and other preferences. This will allow the search engine to provide more personalized recommendations based on the user’s search history and behavior.

Overall, the new “personal” Google Search with AI chat and video snippets is set to revolutionize the way people interact with the search engine. With more natural and personalized conversations, users can get more accurate and relevant results while enjoying a more user-friendly experience. We can expect more exciting developments from Google in the future, and Google IO 2023 is sure to be an event to watch out for.

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10 best activities hacks for the better lifestyle for call center employee




10 best activities hacks for the better lifestyle for call center employee

Working in a call center can be demanding, so it’s essential to find ways to improve the lifestyle and well-being of call center employees. Here are ten activity hacks that can contribute to a better lifestyle for call center employees:

Stretch Breaks lifestyle

Encourage employees to take short stretch breaks every hour. Simple stretching exercises can help reduce muscle tension and alleviate the strain of sitting for long periods.

Mental Health Check-ins

Organize regular check-ins or sessions with mental health professionals to provide support and resources for stress management and overall well-being.

Healthy Snack Options

Provide healthy snack options in the break room, such as fruits, nuts, and yogurt, to help employees make better dietary choices during their shifts.

Mindfulness and Meditation

Offer mindfulness or meditation sessions during breaks or before/after shifts to help employees relax, focus, and reduce stress.

Flexible Scheduling

Whenever possible, implement flexible scheduling options to accommodate employees’ personal needs and preferences, allowing for a better work-life balance.

Fitness Challenges

Organize fun fitness challenges or step competitions to encourage employees to stay active and foster a sense of camaraderie.

Ergonomic Workstations

Ensure that employees have comfortable and ergonomically designed workstations to minimize physical discomfort and prevent repetitive strain injuries.

Social Events

Plan occasional social events or team-building activities to foster a positive work culture and strengthen bonds among employees.

Career Development Opportunities

Offer training and career development programs to empower employees and help them progress in their careers within the company.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Set up an Employee Assistance Program to provide professional counseling and support for personal or work-related issues.

Remember that these hacks are just a starting point. It’s crucial to involve employees in the decision-making process and listen to their feedback to tailor the initiatives to their specific needs and preferences. A happy and healthy workforce will be more productive, and it will also reduce turnover and boost employee satisfaction.

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