Delhi police said on Monday that they had found the terror group Ansar Ghazwat-ul-Hind, an al-Qaeda-affiliated Islamist militant group, and that claims about the Ghazipur Mandi...
Canadian health authorities have dismissed Chinese claims that the Covid-19 infection of the Omicron variant detected in Beijing may have been caused by packages received from...
The Staff Selection Committee has postponed the 2021 Post-SSC Selection Exam Phase 9 in three states. The exams scheduled for February 2022 have been postponed to...
The United States warned on Tuesday that Russia could attack Ukraine at any time amid a clear escalation of tensions in Ukraine. But while calling it...
The Assam government said the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) vaccine is not mandatory for the state’s population, but those unwilling to be vaccinated should stay at home....
Cold weather to subside in much of northwest India Cold weather, marked by significantly cooler daytime temperatures, is likely to subside across much of northwestern India,...
In its revised guidelines, the government said there was no evidence that not requiring supplemental oxygen or continued use of injectable steroids after hospital discharge would...
Bharatiya Kisan Union (BKU) leader Rakesh Tikait has denied reports that the union is providing support to any party on the eve of parliamentary elections in...
On Monday, the number of Covid-19 cases in China reached its highest level since March 2020, as Beijing began efforts to contain the outbreak three weeks...
The International Labour Organization (ILO) has said that global labour market performance may struggle to return to pre-pandemic levels in the coming years. In its report,...