After Shah Rukh Khan’s son, Aryan Khan, was released on bail by the Mumbai High Court on Thursday, Bollywood was relieved. On October 2, Aryan Khan...
The Mumbai Crime Branch uncovered a major illegal stock trading scam and arrested four defendants from Ghatkopar in this case. A review of the computer systems...
Superstar Shah Rukh Khan’s son, Aryan Khan, was released on bail three weeks after he was arrested in a drug cruise. He will spend at least...
A district court in Surat has instructed Congress leader Rahul Gandhi to appear in court on Friday to record his statement in a criminal defamation case...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will travel to Rome, Italy and Glasgow, UK from Friday to November 2 to attend the 16th G-20 Summit and COP-26 World...
Facebook Inc co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg (Mark Zuckerberg) stated that his company will be called Meta Platforms Inc, or Meta for short, to reflect its...
At a post-match press conference after the India-Pakistan T20 World Cup match, a reporter asked captain Verat Kohli Ishan Kishan if he could play before Rohit...
The Deep Foundation Institute of India (DFII) is affiliated to the Deep Foundation Institute (DFI). The Deep Foundation Institute (DFI) is an international non-profit organization headquartered...
The festive season is going all out and Diwali is around the bend. With retailers both on the web and concocting powerful offers, it is to...
Men’s fashion has consistently been planned as either loose or formal. During the 1920s, men are known to blend and watch easygoing and formal pieces like...