Actor Vidyut Jammwal on Monday announced that he is teaming up with National Award-winning Telugu director Sankalp Reddy for an espionage thriller titled IB 71. The...
Twenty-five-year-old Vaidehi Dongre from Michigan was crowned Miss India USA 2021 while Arshi Lalani from Georgia was declared the first runner up at the beauty pageant...
As many as 400 cars, auto-rickshaws and sports bikes were submerged in the underground parking lot in Kandivali’s Thakur complex, a day after heavy rainfall battered...
India recorded its lowest daily Covid-19 cases in over four months on Tuesday as it registered 30,093 fresh cases of the coronavirus disease, the Union ministry...
Businessman and husband of Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty, Raj Kundra, was arrested on Monday by the Mumbai police in a case related to the alleged creation...
Lauding the contribution of doctors and paramedical staff in combating COVID-19, Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami on Sunday raised the stipend of MBBS intern doctors...
Delhi recorded no fresh deaths of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) on Sunday, for the first time since March 2 this year, a landmark in the city’s...
India recorded 38,164 new covid-19 cases in the 24 hours ending 8 am Monday, taking the total tally to over 3.11 crore. Out of these, active...
A new study has suggested that Covid-19 virus piggybacks only black carbon emitted during biomass burning and not all PM2.5 particles. The study, conducted by Pune-based...
HDFC Bank has complied with 85 per cent of RBI’s asks on technology, and the ball is now in the regulator’s court on when to lift...