Bigg Boss Tamil 8 premiered on Vijay Television, hosted by Vijay Sethupathi, featuring a diverse cast including actors, VJs, and social media influencers. Ravindar Chandrasekaran: Ravindar...
NEW YORK, Broadway theatre brilliance recognised with the Tony Awards With honours for a suffragette musical, a gritty adaptation of a 1960s novel, and a 1970s...
The distance that grows between Tanjiro and his allies and Muzan Kibutsuji, their ultimate adversary, in each episode of Demon Slayer Season 4. On Sunday, June...
Actress and content producer Dolly Singh recently talked about her weight swings and image worries in an Instagram post. She has since acknowledged that she is...
Actor Fardeen Khan has opened up about his struggles with depression and his recent 14-year absence, having recently made a comeback in Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar....
Recently, Vijay Sethupathi talked about his co-star in Jawan, Shah Rukh Khan. In a Cinema Vikatan interview, Vijay referred to Shah Rukh as “a great storyteller.”...
The actors who play Colin Bridgerton and Penelope Featherington, Luke Newton and Nicola Coughlan, are sharing the specifics of their characters’ private moments. As Bridgerton Season...
The formerly famous marriage between George Clooney and Amal seems to be having problems. The well-known pair, who promised not to let their busy schedules ruin...
Not only was the Anfield Stadium in Liverpool teeming with the energy of the fans, but during her incredible 100th Eras Tour performance, Taylor Swift herself...
Raha, the daughter of Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor, was born on November 6, 2022. The two-year-old, who is frequently spotted out in public with her...