In a touching display of maternal love and appreciation, Kim Kardashian took to social media to celebrate her daughter North West’s 10th birthday. The reality TV...
Title: Hatke, Zara Vicky Kaushal’s Film Zara Bachke: A Box Office Success, Now Faces Competition from Adipurush In the realm of Bollywood, the recent release of...
LinkedIn is rolling out new tools to make it easier for users to create visual content that helps them stand out and inspire their professional community. Users...
Although the iPhone 14 series is anticipated to debut this year, Apple is already hard at work on the upcoming models. Online rumors regarding the iPhone...
Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal held hands as they visited actor-director Farhan Akhtar’s home in Mumbai. Several other celebrities including filmmaker Karan Johar, actors Dino Morea,...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday (September 7) inaugurated the “Shikshak Parv” conclave through video conferencing, and launched multiple key initiatives in the education sector. The...