Kapil Sharma’s show featured Narayana and Sudha Murthy, who shared lighthearted moments, including Sudha joking about her husband. This week on The Great Indian Kapil Show, host Kapil...
While Chhath Puja is a time for reflection and prayers, there’s no reason to not spend some time hyper-focusing on a scrumptious traditional menu for the...
Rajat Dalal recently had a witty response to Bigg Boss in a recent episode. Fans praised him for his one-liners on the reality show. Rajat Dalal has...
Chaath Puja: The four-day festival is dedicated to the worship of Sun God and his sister Chhathi Maiya, a divine form of Devi Prakriti. Chhath Puja is...
The judgement is a jolt to insurance companies which had been rejecting claims if accidents involved transport vehicles of a particular weight and if the drivers...
The researchers discovered that, on average, kids born to moms with PCOS weighed less, were shorter, and had a smaller head circumference. Women with polycystic ovary...
Harris’ chances of winning the polls with 270 electoral college votes depends on her winning all the swing states Biden won in the 2020 elections. Republican...
The temperature in Delhi today, on November 6, 2024, is 30.13 °C. The day’s forecast indicates a minimum and maximum temperature of 19.05 °C and 32.06 °C, respectively....
Bigg Boss 18: Another day in the Bigg Boss house, and another fight broke out between two contestants. This time it was between Chahat Pandey and Vivian Dsena, after Vivian...
Virat Kohli received a hand-painted portrait of Lord Hanuman from fan for of his 36th birthday, video went viral. Virat Kohli, the legendary Indian cricketer, is...