Pawan Kumar’s latest film ‘Dhoomam’ has garnered attention for its initial entertainment value; however, as the story progresses, it encounters challenges in maintaining its momentum, according...
Parenthood is a profound experience filled with anticipation, excitement, and unconditional love. However, the journey to becoming parents can sometimes take unexpected turns, as TV actors...
In the world of Bollywood, where new faces grace the silver screen every year, it is heartening to witness moments that bridge the gap between generations....
The Citadel, starring Priyanka Chopra and Richard Madden, will have spinoff shows in India, Mexico, and Italy. The Russo Brothers directed the Prime Video series, which...
They both portray human-like robots in the upcoming short film The List, which stars Kirti Kulhari and Angad Bedi and will air on Amazon Mini TV...
Hwang Dong-hyuk, the director of the web series Squid Game, has commented on speculation that star Leonardo DiCaprio may appear in it. Hwang responded when asked...
What Game of Thrones took seven seasons to set up, an incestuous romance in House Targaryen, House of the Dragon provided the viewers in just four...
Actress Neha Chauhan, who made her acting debut in LSD: Love Sex and Dhokha (2010), claims that she never considered becoming a front-of-the-camera star and that...
Masaba Gupta, an actor and fashion designer, posted a photo of herself as a child on Instagram. A young Masaba is seen in the picture standing...
Lootere, a new web series from Hansal Mehta, has released its debut trailer and looks to be a brutal thriller. Jai Mehta, the son of Hansal,...