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How to ovulate expertly: What is premature ovarian failure?



How to ovulate expertly: What is premature ovarian failure?

Ovulation, when the egg is released from the ovary of the dominant follicle into the fallopian tube, is a part of this cycle and occurs during the six days of a woman’s menstrual cycle when sexual activity can result in pregnancy. It is crucial to monitor ovulation because it creates a fertile window, which consists of the five days prior to ovulation as well as the day of ovulation, during which there is a greater chance of conception.

Every woman has millions of eggs from menarche, the start of her period, until menopause, the end of her period. However, only one egg ripens each month, so the menstrual cycle starts on the first day of the period, when the uterine lining first forms. Even though we have millions of eggs, the brain then releases the hormone FSH, which stimulates just one egg to develop. For the first 14 days, the egg also produces the hormone oestrogen, which thickens the uterine lining.

Another hormone called luteinizing hormone, or LH, is produced when the egg is prepared to hatch. The egg ruptures and is taken up by the fallopian tube as a result of the LH surge, Dr. Kiran Coelho, Consultant, Gynecology and Obstetrics at PD Hinduja Hospital and Medical Research Centre, Khar Facility, explained in an interview with HT Lifestyle. The following day, it will stay in the fallopian tube. This is the ovulation process. The sperms can successfully impregnate the egg for 72 hours. Therefore, the egg will be fertilised in the fallopian tube, leading to pregnancy, if the couple has had sexual activity in the past and the sperm are waiting or if the couple has sexual activity within the next 24 hours.

However, in the majority of cycles, the egg expires after 24 hours and the lining appears as the monthly period after 14 days. The menstrual cycle looks like this.


“The couple must know when ovulation occurs if they want to become pregnant so that they don’t miss the crucial 24 hours,” she advised. Therefore, if a person has regular cycles, ovulation typically occurs 14 days before the following period. This is equivalent to 10 to 14 days in a cycle of 28 days. The calendar approach is this. The basal body temperature can also be determined. Every day, a fertility thermometer measures the rectal temperature. The temperature rises by one degree after ovulation as a result of the LH effect. 

The third method, which involves ovulation induction kits, is also very dependable and readily available, said Dr. Kiran Coelho. Urine can be checked daily to see if an LH surge has occurred. Ovulation will happen on the day the LH surge is detected, and the couple can have sexual activity on that day. Sonography-based follicular studies are the fourth technique. In order to target the actual development and rupture of the ovulation, the follicle study is performed on the 10th day of your cycle and then every other day after that. These are the various techniques for figuring out if you’re ovulating and, if so, when you are.

The average woman’s reproductive life is 20 to 40 years. Therefore, ovulation becomes irregular between the ages of 30 and 35, and between the ages of 35 and 40, ovulation is quite irregular, necessitating the use of ovulation induction medication, which involves the administration of drugs to produce the egg, ripen it, and rupture.

The amount of fertile eggs a female has, also known as the ovarian reserve, or the number of eggs that can be fertilised, can be assessed using a test called anti Mullerian hormone (AMH). Dr. Kiran Coelho added, “A female can learn from that test how fertile she is and how many eggs she has. A woman might have her eggs frozen if she wants to put off getting pregnant. Egg freezing is an option for younger women who don’t want to have children. Several eggs are simulated, extracted, and frozen in this procedure. When a woman wants to become pregnant, IVF can be done, and embryos are created.


Ovulation typically happens 13 to 15 days before the beginning of each cycle, according to Dr. Kshitiz Murdia, CEO and Co-Founder of Indira IVF, who added his expertise to the topic. Ovulation timing varies from person to person and cycle to cycle, just like menstruation does. The ideal day for ovulation if a cycle is 28 days long is around day 14. Maintaining a tracking calendar, using ovulation prediction kits, and keeping an eye out for ovulation symptoms like mild pain, increased libido, tender breasts, and amount of vaginal discharge are all options for tracking ovulation.

“At around 40 years of age, the consistency of ovulation and the risk of infertility get impacted with age,” he continued. As a result, one would need to be under medical supervision in such circumstances in order to have a successful pregnancy. They may be recommended for egg freezing, cryopreservation, PGTA embryo preservation, IVF, IUI, and other infertility treatment procedures depending on the diagnosis.

Premature ovarian failure and menopause are two different conditions, despite the fact that many people mistake them for one another. Premature menopause is defined as the ovaries ceasing to function before the age of 40, according to Dr. Kiran Coelho. The ovaries stop working premature ovarian failure as well. Although a woman cannot conceive and has no ovulation during premature menopause, this is not the case with premature ovarian failure.

Both illnesses share the same symptoms, she noted. Among them are infertility and irregular periods, as well as oestrogen deprivation symptoms like hot flashes, irritability, irregular periods, lack of sleep, bloating, dry skin, frequent vaginal infections, loss of libido, dryness of the vagina, painful intercourse, and mood swings.


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How to stay fit during Diwali 2024: Diet tips, easy workouts, tricks to manage stress during the festive season




How to stay fit during Diwali 2024: Diet tips, easy workouts, tricks to manage stress during the festive season

Staying on track with your fitness goals during Diwali season can be challenging. These expert-recommended tips can help you stay active amid the festivities.

Diwali 2024: How can you stop feeling bloated, tired, and stressed out during the festive season? What should you eat at Diwali parties? How can you stay fit and look your best? If you, too, are wondering how to stay healthy during the festive season and control your calorie intake while also eating and doing what you want, you have come to the right place. Also read | Dussehra to Diwali holiday health tips: Stress management during the festive rush

Even the most disciplined people can find it difficult to stick to their health routines during the festive season. But you can make things different this year. All that eating and socialising does not have to set you back on your fitness goals. 

To help keep you on track, we’ve enlisted the aid of leading experts in health, fitness and nutrition for some much-needed advice. If you tend to get a little anxious around the festive season, don’t miss these simple tips and tricks to follow:


Nutrition and diet tips for Diwali festivities

Payal Kothari, nutritionist and author of The Gut, has shared with HT Lifestyle her tips on how to enjoy Diwali parties without compromising gut health. She says, “The festive season is filled with irresistible treats and family gatherings, but it doesn’t mean you have to compromise on your health goals.”

She suggests opting for healthier alternatives without missing out on the joy of eating; but the key word there is balance. “Choose nutrient-dense snacks like roasted nuts, baked samosas, and fresh fruit platters over fried foods. Moderation is key — enjoy your sweets, but keep portion sizes in check,” Payal says.

Dr Kiran Soni, head of the department of Nutrition and Health at Yatharth Hospitals Greater Noida, adds that to maintain health and fitness during Diwali, you should focus on portion control rather than completely rejecting your favourite dishes.


“Fill your plate primarily with vegetables and lean proteins, leaving smaller portions for sweets and fried items. Stay hydrated; when attending parties, eat a small protein-rich snack beforehand to avoid overindulging,” she says.

Another one of your non-negotiables this festive season should be staying hydrated. Payal says, “Focus on staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water, herbal teas, and infused water to flush out toxins and curb overeating. Drink soup at home if you can, and then head out, or eat a small protein meal before heading out.”

Easy workouts to fit into your festive schedule

It’s not easy to fit in your workouts during the festive season, but even if exercise isn’t quite your top priority during the month of October, you can still move to stay active. Dr Soni says, “Maintaining physical activity is crucial during the festive season. Aim for short, high-intensity workouts when time is limited. Consider morning yoga or stretching sessions to energize your day. Take walks after heavy meals to aid digestion and burn calories.”


Payal recommends short, effective workouts, such as a 15-20-minute HIIT session, 20-30 burpees yoga stretches, or even a brisk walk. She says, “If you’re attending family gatherings or parties, use the opportunity to stay active—dance during celebrations. Being the first one to initiate the moves on the dance floor can help digest the extra food and burn those calories. Or go for a walk with your loved ones. Even 10 minutes of stretching in the morning can improve your energy levels and help you feel your best.”

How to manage stress during the festive season

Diwali season can bring a lot of stress and strain on your mental health, ranging from mild annoyances to the types of anxieties that keep you up at night. And as you probably know, exercise is a great way to relieve all of that. Another truth: what you eat matters too.

Payal suggests adding mood-boosting and stress-relieving foods to your diet, like dark leafy greens, almonds, and foods rich in Omega-3s, such as chia seeds and flaxseeds. She says, “Soups are great for gut-brain health.”


Dr Soni adds, “Managing stress is essential for overall well-being during busy festive periods. Incorporate stress-reducing foods into your diet, such as foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids (like fatty fish, walnuts, and flaxseeds), complex carbohydrates (whole grains, vegetables), and magnesium-rich foods (leafy greens, legumes). Prioritise sleep and maintain a consistent sleep schedule as much as possible.”

Other coping mechanisms? “Practise mindfulness by incorporating short meditation or deep breathing exercises into your day, even if it’s just for five minutes. Prioritise quality sleep, and try to set aside a few moments of ‘me time’ to recharge. By making these small adjustments, you can enjoy the festivities guilt-free while maintaining a balance between health and celebration,” Payal says.

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