Actress Kajal Aggarwal, who took a break from acting to embrace motherhood, has announced her intention to make a comeback. On September 13, Kajal stated during...
Victim, an anthology series from Sony Liv, explores the stories of four different victims. One has the impression that the series, which was directed by Pa...
According to Aamir Khan, he regrets not spending more time with his son Junaid and daughter Ira Khan. He claimed that he had only recently given...
Actor Erika Packard admitted being inspired by actor Ranveer Singh a few weeks after the latter posed for a nude photo shoot. Erika competed on season...
Actress Neena Gupta has discussed how frequently she speaks with her daughter, fashion designer Masaba Gupta. Neena stated in a recent interview that they speak on...
Hrithik Roshan is getting ready for his next movie, Fighter. The action drama, which is directed by Siddharth Anand, also stars Deepika Padukone and Anil Kapoor....
Shehnaaz Gill posted pictures of herself covered in mud on social media with tractors, bulldozers, and a clear blue sky in the background. She was observed...
In light of the growing monkeypox cases in India, it is crucial for everyone to maintain a strong immune system to fend off infections and illnesses...
Currently ruling the Maldives in stunning swimwear is Alaya F. The actor recently travelled to the Maldives, and ever since, her Instagram page has been overflowing...
Pregnant women with inflammatory bowel disease and their unborn children face more risks and issues than pregnant women without IBD do. These are the findings of...