The supernatural rom-com series Atypical Family on Netflix has concluded, despite keeping a respectable domestic viewership rating. With its captivating plot, the K-drama on Netflix tried...
Updates on the Gangs of Godavari OTT Release: Unexpectedly, less than a month after its theatrical premiere, Vishwak Sen’s most recent action-drama is getting ready for...
Fans are excited to see what happens next because the previous Blue Lock chapter highlighted a dramatic match. This week’s no-break means that the much-loved sports...
Kangana Ranaut, an actor turned politician, has issued a new statement regarding the slapping incident that occurred at the Chandigarh airport on Thursday night. A female...
This is all we know about the much anticipated global debut of Monkey Man on streaming services. There’s good news for action thriller enthusiasts who were...
Fans are shivering from the sight of a viral video from Taylor Swift’s visit in Madrid during her Eras tour. The concert video from Madrid shows...
Do you recall how it felt to hold a cup of tea on a chilly afternoon? or sipping some lemon water under the sun? That’s how...
Heli Daruwala, an actor, appears to be content these days. She received admiration and gratitude for her part as Geet in the third season of the...
Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s niece, actor Sharmin Segal, has been the target of criticism for her performance in the web series since the premiere of Heeramandi: The...
In Udaipur in March, Taapsee Pannu tied the knot with her longtime partner and badminton player Mathias Boe. The star is now talking about her relationship...