Karnataka High Court upholds the state government ban on wearing hijabs in educational institutions. The Karnataka High Court on Tuesday ruled that wearing a hijab is...
A 17-year-old boy in Bengaluru jumped to death from the 23rd floor of a residential complex in Konanakunte on Sunday night. He sent a video message...
After Western reports quoting US officials stated that Russia had asked China for military equipment to be used in Ukraine, the US issued a warning to China....
For two decades BJP and Congress have ruled Rajasthan alternatively. The Aam Aadmi Party after its huge success in Punjab assembly elections is now trying to...
The United States has said there is no indication that the recent firing of a missile from India which landed in Pakistan was anything other than...
In recent years Beijing has tightened its grip on Hong Kong and many have fled abroad after the introduction of the security law, which criminalizes what...
Mahindra and Mahindra has signed a collaboration agreement with Campervan Factory – a research-based, IIT Madras-incubated caravan manufacturing company – to launch budget-friendly luxury campers in...
Digital Twins are forecast to form the essential building blocks of a Metaverse which connects the physical world with the virtual, enabling optimal urban decarbonization throughout...
Realme 9 5G and Realme 9 SE will go on sale today for the first time in India. The former is aimed at gamers, while the...
The Mahindra Group and Google have announced a new collaboration that will power the Group’s digital transformation strategy. Mahindra Group’s Digital, Data and Cloud Center of...