Rajinikanth, a popular actor, is returning to the police uniform for his upcoming film, Vettaiyan. The film, directed by TJ Gnanavel, is attracting fans as Rajinikanth...
Anant Ambani, son of Reliance chairman Mukesh Ambani, is set to marry Viren Merchant’s daughter, Radhika Merchant, in Gujarat’s Jamnagar in July. Pre-wedding celebrations begin on...
After calling the Academy Award-winning movie Forrest Gump “an elitist kind of classist film,” actor Kareena Kapoor received criticism from some users on social media. Kareena...
Review of the movie Kaatteri: In Kaatteri, director Deekay reuses the setup from his first film Yaamirukka Bayamey to create a new horror-comedy that features gullible...
Shehnaaz Gill’s Bollywood debut with Salman Khan’s starrer has generated a lot of buzz. Additionally, the actress unfollowed Salman Khan on social media amid rumours that...
Days after saying that he was worried about what his wife Twinkle Khanna might say in her articles, Akshay Kumar argued that his own work is...
Story: Aman Khanna (Akshay Oberoi), a once-promising musician and songwriter, is currently drowning his life in drink and self-destruction after losing his son at an early...
Naga Chaitanya has announced that in his upcoming movie, Thank You, he will play a devotee of Mahesh Babu. This demonstrates how his persona changes with...
Titu Shukla (Tushar Pandey) is an ambitious young man who values business offers and quick cuts over jobs. When his grand business idea fails miserably, he...
Nargis and her husband Sameer return to Lucknow after being kidnapped and raped in Noman and making a failed attempt to put their lives back together....