According to WhatsApp’s monthly compliance report, WhatsApp banned more than 2 million accounts in India in August. According to reports, the instant messaging service received 420...
A spokesperson confirmed the Wall Street Journal report on Friday that the company has ended work on its Plex project, but continues to look for ways...
Free Fire MAX was released globally on Tuesday. The newer version of the original Free Fire is available for download for Android and iOS users. Soon...
“IN A GENTLE WAY, YOU CAN SHAKE THE WORLD” Mahatma Gandhi 2nd October is celebrated as one of the most auspicious days in India as it...
Amazon’s 2021 India Festival promotion is now open to Prime members. The month-long holiday promotion has brought hundreds of discounts to popular mobile phones, laptops, tablets,...
October 1 (Businesshala)-An analyst from Royal Bank of Canada Capital Markets said that Apple (AAPL.O) has recently adjusted the privacy rights of the iPhone, indicating that...
India Covid-19 update: Of the 24,354 cases, Kerala alone reported 13,834 cases, while Maharashtra reported 3,105 cases per day. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare...
Dr. VK Paul, a member of Niti Aayog, responded with similar remarks. Earlier, he emphasized that the narrative of the festival should be celebrated in a...
Swachh Bharat Mission 2.0 aims to make India’s cities trash-free. AMRUT 2.0 aims to strengthen sewage treatment and provide 100% water supply coverage for all households....
The UP government launched the “One District One Product” program, which aims to create traditional industrial centers with specific products in 75 districts of the state....