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Diabetes: Indicators of inadequate blood sugar management in daily life



Diabetes: Indicators of inadequate blood sugar management in daily life

Your blood sugar levels can have a significant impact on your overall health if you have diabetes. While having your blood sugar under control can help you lead a normal and healthy life, a spike can affect your moods, energy levels, sleep, eating habits, and even skin health. You can tell you’re managing your diabetes well if you don’t have cravings for junk food, feel happier, or have good concentration all day.

When your blood glucose levels are 180 milligrammes per deciliter (mg/dL) or higher, you are said to have uncontrolled diabetes. Your kidneys, nerves, heart, and many other vital organs may be damaged over the long term if your diabetes is not under control. To prevent these complications of diabetes, one must maintain stable blood sugar levels by eating

“Every moment of the day, our blood sugar levels determine how we feel, so managing them properly is crucial if you want to feel great. Because blood sugar has an impact on every cell, organ, and bodily function, it has a profound impact on both our short- and long-term health. And for this reason, the signs of low blood sugar are so varied “According to Bhakti Kapoor, a nutritionist, in a recent Instagram post.

“To help prevent or postpone a number of serious health issues, it’s critical to maintain your blood sugar levels as close to your target range as you can. Your energy and mood can both be enhanced by staying within your target range “Kapoor adds.


Following are a few negative consequences of high blood sugar levels in daily life:

– Cravings: Even after eating enough calories, you will still feel the urge to eat more.

– Energy crashes: You experience sudden drops in energy and struggle to complete your daily tasks.

– Anxiety and irritability: Do you lose your temper too frequently? Your uncontrolled blood sugar levels might be at fault. You might unnecessarily experience anxiety.


– Headache: Your hormone imbalance also causes this side effect.

– Resistance to weight loss: If you are having trouble losing the weight you want to, you may want to have your blood sugar levels checked.

– Difficulty falling asleep: Having trouble falling asleep at night is a sign that your blood sugar control is not optimal.

– Extreme and immediate hunger: This is risky because the person may eat anything that comes to mind, healthy or not.


– Binge eating: Your poor blood sugar management may also cause you to overeat, which could result in weight gain.

– Acne and skin conditions: If your skin conditions are getting worse, you need to live a more controlled, diabetes-friendly lifestyle.

– Inflammation: Uncontrolled blood sugar levels may result in inflammation in various body organs, which could increase the risk of complications from diabetes.

According to Kapoor, if you have been managing your blood sugar levels well, you won’t experience any unhealthy cravings and are less likely to binge on food.


These additional indications of good blood sugar regulation are

– You won’t feel terribly hungry.

– Constant energy

A keen mind


– Fat burning and loss of weight

– An upbeat, relaxed attitude

– Better sleep

– Hormone balance


– Radiant skin

– Lessening of inflammation

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Holi 2024: Inside, professional advice on overcoming a Bhang hangover




Holi 2024: Inside, professional advice on overcoming a Bhang hangover

Holi 2024: We are eagerly awaiting the arrival of this festival of colors, which is quickly approaching. Every year, the nation celebrates Holi with great fanfare and extravagance. Holi commemorates the eternal love and marriage of Goddess Radha and Lord Krishna. In addition, Holi commemorates Lord Vishnu’s victory over Hiranyakashipu, highlighting the idea that good always triumphs over evil. Holi will be celebrated on March 25 this year. Holika Dahan, also known as Chhoti Holi, is observed the day before Holi. On the day of Holi, many customs and rites are observed throughout India. The cities of Barnsana and Nandgaon celebrate Lathmar Holi, whereas Vrindavan celebrates Phoolwali Holi.

Holi 2024: Here are some professional suggestions to avoid Bhang hangover, ranging from eating a balanced diet to sipping herbal tea.

During Holi, a variety of snacks and beverages are made to be enjoyed with loved ones. The colorful, crispy, and delectable Holi snacks range from gujia to rasmalai to namakpare. Thandai, a delightful concoction of milk, spices, and sweets, is the queen of the drink table. Bhang is among the primary draws of Holi. For its euphoric impact, thandai is sometimes blended with powdered paste made from the female cannabis plant’s leaves and flowers. But after the first euphoria wears off, there’s also the inevitable hangover the following morning.

Methods for overcoming a hangover

Hydrate the body: Hydration is crucial for managing a hangover caused by Bhang during Holi. Sip on lots of water to flush out toxins and replenish your body’s moisture.

Consume coconut water: Coconut water and other electrolyte-rich beverages can help replenish lost nutrients.


A balanced diet: blood sugar regulation and nausea reduction can be achieved by eating a well-balanced meal high in carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats.

Herbal teas and rest: Herbal teas with relaxing properties, such as peppermint or ginger, can ease stomach discomfort. Your body can mend itself by resting in a quiet, dark environment.

Limit alcohol intake: Limit your alcohol and cannabis intake to prevent symptoms from getting worse. As soon as symptoms develop or continue, get medical help.

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