Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has said, “In the last few days 5769 people of Delhi have come from the coronavirus-infected countries, out of which 4445...
Amid rumors of tension in Delhi, the Delhi Police received a total of 1880 ‘Distress Calls’ on Sunday with the maximum number of 481 calls being...
About 1300 people have been arrested so far in connection with the riots in Terti Delhi last week, while 98 percent of students took the board...
Delhi Police PRO M.S. Randhawa has said that so far 123 FIRs have been registered in connection with the riots and 630 people have been arrested...
On the request of the Delhi government, CBSE has postponed the examinations at 80 centers in the north-eastern and eastern regions on February 27, in view...
On Tuesday, security assistant Ankit Sharma (26) of the Intelligence Bureau (IB) in the Chand Bagh area of Delhi was allegedly stoned by the mob. After...
On Tuesday, stones pelted again between CAA supporters and anti-protesters in Maujpur and Bhajanpura in Delhi. One journalist was admitted to GTB hospital after being shot,...
Delhi Deputy Chief Minister and Education Minister Manish Sisodia had tweeted that there will be no home examinations of schools and all private and government schools...
US President Donald Trump is visiting India. Meanwhile, Donald Trump’s wife Melania will attend a ‘Happiness Class’ in Delhi’s government school. Earlier, his program was to...
Once again, the bank will be closed for three consecutive days. In such a situation, you should arrange the money today, otherwise, you may have to...