After 12 years, Mahesh Babu and Trivikram Srinivas will reunite for a new movie. One of Tollywood’s most eagerly expected and anticipated films is tentatively titled...
Nepotism in the film industry, according to actor Rajkummar Rao, “will always be there.” In a recent interview, Rajkummar added that there are plenty of prospects...
Darlings, Alia Bhatt’s forthcoming film, has released its first teaser. The Netflix film marks Alia’s first foray into production and her first thriller. Shefali Shah, Vijay...
Sai Pallavi, Rana Daggubati, and others star in the film. Venu Udugula is the director. 151 minutes of running time 2.5 out of 5 The audience...
On Monday, actor Siddhanth Kapoor was detained in Bengaluru on suspicion of narcotics consumption at a party. He has since been granted bail. Siddhanth’s drug use...
“Is it possible for humans and dinosaurs to coexist?” Jurassic World Dominion’s lone question is a last-ditch attempt to milk the nostalgia gold bestowed to it...
With the 1991 film Phool Aur Kaante, Ajay Devgn made his Bollywood debut. Ajay is one of the most commercially successful actors in the film industry,...
Sara Ali Khan is one of Bollywood’s most popular actresses. She made her Bollywood debut in the 2018 film Kedarnath, and she has been proving her...
Three big-budget releases are battling it out at the box office: Kamal Haasan’s Vikram, Adivi Shesh’s Major, and Akshay Kumar’s Prithviraj. According to the latest box...
After numerous delays, Akshay Kumar’s Samrat Prithviraj was released in theatres on June 3rd. Miss World 2017 Manushi Chhillar makes her Bollywood debut in this film,...